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Check out our crowdfunding campaign to help with her surgery costs (cut & paste): https://give.crowdfunding.alberta.ca/62MKq2?ref=ab_dDGE0f



Colour:              DMH Torbie (Tortoiseshell/Tabby) - TRIPOD

Born Approx:    July 15, 2022

Gender:             Spayed Female/micro-chipped

UPDATE Mar 6/24: Emori is doing extraordinarily well, we are very happy to report. She has not only healed well, her integration into a multi-cat foster home has progressed to the point where she is very relaxed (much of it due to the settling of hormones). There's only one cat who causes her issues - and that's not her fault - he tends to be a bit of a bully. But she adores her person! She is never far away from foster mom, always hopeful for pets and loves, and maybe you'll pick up the string toy and play with her. She also likes to scoot toys around. Of course, if she is introduced to another cat, it will take a little time (variable) for both to adjust. It's the same for most cats. Emori isn't bothered in the least by the two small dogs in her foster home. She loves to eat - especially canned food. She has gained weight to a normal amount but care should still be taken to ensure she doesn't gain too much, for the sake of her mobility.

UPDATE Jan 31/24: Emori's limb amputation of her back right leg on January 23, 2024, went very well. The surgery site is healing beautifully and she is basically ready to be adopted. Care should still be taken to limit her activity for a few more weeks. She is exploring her foster home but her foster provider is being careful that she doesn't overdo it. For the time being, she probably should not live with a cat who may want to rough-house or play chase with her. She is doing very well on her three good legs which is not new for her. She's had to ambulate this way since her injury in the summer of 2023.


In late August, 2023, PAW received a call from a concerned resident who lived in a town outside of Lethbridge. An injured mother cat and her three kittens had been living under her neighbour's front step for about a month. She called every organization she could think of. No one could help - even PAW couldn't immediately commit to it. Every rescue group's resources are maxed out. It's been a particularly rough year for all of us. But...we could not get the situation off our minds - was there any possible way we could help this little family? Two foster homes, already with multiple foster cats, said 'yes we can'.

Once PAW agreed to help, the resident began the trapping regime and after a few days had captured all of the kittens. They were about four months old and have been named Julien, Evelyn and Klarra. It took another week for their little momma to get in the trap but eventually that was successful as well. We named her Emori.  Her friendly demeanour tells us she has been someone's pet. And we were not shocked to discover she was already pregnant again, confirmed by ultrasound. Her rear right leg is missing below the knee and, although mostly healed on the outside, it remains a painful impediment. The best way to improve her quality of life and mobility will be to have the entire leg amputated. The surgery was performed on January 23, 2024. She was spayed at the same time.

What a brave little soul! We don't know how she received such a traumatic injury but it would have made it almost impossible to fend for herself, never mind three kittens. Yet, somehow, she managed to move them to the safest place she could find. She is young, barely past the kitten stage herself. When the resident first noticed the little family, she could see they were not thriving. Canned and dry food, and lots of it, were immediately provided. The kittens were most active in the mornings and evenings so the two neighbours fed them in shifts. Emori and her kittens became very familiar with feeding time and their social progress can be attributed to the team effort of the two neighbours, talking to their little visitors and slowly building trust.

Emori did a wonderful job of nursing and caring for her most recent (and final) litter. She's a great little momma and now she gets to enjoy life like never before.

One week post leg amputation surgery - Jan 29/24:

The day she was rescued on Sept 4/23

Safe at last! Day of rescue:

Emori's leg is her right rear foot:

Emori and her new family of six, Oct 10, 2023